Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Just contact us here and tell us about your town. We recommend that you already have an idea of how you would fund the Town Criers coming to do an episode(s) on your town. This might be through a community grant, local council or local business association.

    Once we are booked in, we come to your town for 2 - 3 days, organise a meet and greet with the locals, send out a survey and covertly gather intelligence from 'sleeper' agents concealed within each community.

    We then go home and put together a unique episode capturing the real people and stories of your town. We also produce a blog for this website and associated social media to further raise the profile of the episode and your town.

  • Well, that depends! We travel to your town and stay 2 - 3 days to gather the story and then later produce and edit the content. Damian and Kirsten are both based in Victoria, but willing to travel anywhere in Australia! But obviously, the price varies depending on the distance travelled. 

    But we work with you to keep costs as low as possible. We don’t need to stay at the Hilton. And if we’re in a region, we aim to cover multiple towns at once, to save us all time and money. So contact us here and let’s see what we can figure out. 

    We recommend you already have an idea of how you would fund the Town Criers before contacting us. This could be through a community grant, council funding, a tourism or marketing grant, philanthropic funding or a group of businesses wanting to get their town’s name out there!

    We make sure the organisation responsible for funding the project is always given a special shout out in the episode!

  • We capture the unique stories of your town, to be enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. For community members, this serves as a way to capture local history. However the podcast also serves as a promotional tool for your town. Because the podcast is so entertaining, the reach of the podcast will go well beyond town borders. We also produce social media and a blog to enhance the marketing of your town’s episode.

  • Yes! The episode(s) will be released on the Town Criers podcast and website. But you are also welcome to put the episode up on your organisation’s website and share it with the local council’s website etc. We just ask you credit Town Criers. After all, we love to spread the word!

  • We’re all about championing the small towns. So we’ve put a population limit of 10,000 people - as the largest town size that we cover. There are no geographical limits though. 

    If you are from a larger town and can make a case that one of your ‘suburbs’ used to be a small town and effectively still is… then we’re open to hearing your pitch!

  • We do 1 - 2 episodes per town. A smaller town may only have enough for one episode. But we find the larger towns often have plenty for 2 episodes. Let us know your preference, but it’s hard to know until we are there!

  • Yes! It makes it easier for everyone if there are multiple nearby towns we can cover.

  • Episodes are generally 50 - 60 mins in length.

  • Yes! We come to your town to record the podcast episode and if it works out in our schedules, we can also do a live show.